he University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law renews its collaboration with Spoleto.

Third time in the Festival city for the American guests who took part in a series of training events at the Court.

The group of lawyers, judges and professors enrolled in the continuing education program of the Faculty of Law of the University of Missouri – Kansas City, coordinated by Dr. Daniel Mc Carroll has renewed its love for the town of Spoleto.

Elisa Bassetti, expert in Italian studies and owner of the Artelingua Language Courses Language School, gave an Italian language workshop based on the vocabulary related to nature, history and food of the Umbria region, at the historical hotel Charleston just in the heart of Spoleto.


Porzia Addabbo, also a milestone in Artelingua’s academic program, held a panel around riparative justice briging an insight on how arts can contribute to the justice process.

This event was supported by Green Hills Of Umbria – Cross Cultural Business Communication.