Scuole LICET

Artelingua is one of the first schools associated SCUOLE LICET – (Lingua Italiana, Cultura e Turismo).

The Scuole LICET- Lingua Italiana, Cultura e Turismo association came about through a need for individual schools to connect with each other and work together, large or small, to overcome the ‘institutional invisibility’ experienced over the last ten years by many centres whose focus is on teaching Italian or cultural tourism.

Each school, while maintaining its independence and its own particular identity, is part of a vast political and cultural
framework for the promotion and the spread of the Italian language and culture throughout the world.


SCHOOL is meant here in the sense of a place where one can satisfy the need for cultural enrichment, quench one’s thirst for knowledge and make connections which are not limited by the need for immediate economic or material returns.

CULTURE is meant in the anthropological sense, of shared values and behaviour historically associated with a population or social group, in reference to a particular “way of life”.

TOURISM does not refer to “mass tourism”, but to the kind of Italian travel which was typical of the travellers of the last century and in fact, in a different way, of today; those of the grand tour, who came to our country more for the purpose of soaking up the rays of our cultural heritage and bathing in our ocean of musical and artistic traditions, than simply for a holiday.

Find out more on the official website:

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