Culture and Language are deeply interwoven, especially in Italy. This session presents true and authentic stories specifically tailored to Italian learning.

Culture and Language are deeply interwoven, especially in Italy. This session presents true and authentic stories specifically tailored to Italian learning.

Cacascate delle Marmore

Feeling nostalgic for Romanticism? Fans of the famous English poet Lord Byron’s verses? Follow in the footsteps of the Grand Tour in Italy and you will find yourself in front of one of Europe’s most beautiful waterfalls: la Cascata delle Marmore. 

Byron dedicated several verses of his “Childe... Read more…

Play with Umbria

Summer is coming, how about a vacation to the greenest region in Italy? Before you pack your bags, we thought we'd put your knowledge of Umbria to the test. Answer these questions and we'll see how much you know about this incredible region that will welcome you with open... Read more…

GUSTO D'AUTORE, PARLIAMO DI GELATO! Have you ever tried a gourmet ice-cream? Or even better, have you ever met a gourmet ice-cream maker? In Umbria, we have one of our very own: famous ice cream maker Alessandro Crispini, who shares his name with his historic gelateria, Crispini di Spoleto; known throughout... Read more…
Ciao, bella ciao!

“Ciao, bella ciao”. To some, it may seem like something an Italian Latin Lover might call out to a pretty girl walking by in the street; However, in reality (fortunately), Bella Ciao has a much deeper meaning. These words are the title of a famous Italian folk song symbolizing the Resistance, whose lyrics... Read more…
Chi va sano...

Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano... Elogio al turismo lento. Do you know this "proverbio"? Does it exist in your country? This old saying means that those who travel slowly don’t run into danger, or more generally, that going about your business calmly and carefully gives you a better chance of... Read more…