
November 11th is San Martino's day. We celebrate the harvest of the new wine and we cook the so-called "mostaccioli", made of "mosto"  the sweet grape juice extracted from grapes, and anise. The trees turn red and orange and it is time to cook chestnuts on an open fire enjoying the last glass of the old wine... Read more…

  The University of West Georgia and Artelingua present : FOUND IN TRANSLATION A translation project in literature to promote a cultural exchange between American and Italian students. Since last year Artelingua has been a leading partner in the Study Abroad program at the University of West Georgia which focuses on English... Read more…

Il Carnevale a Spoleto visto da Artelingua...tutta un'altra prospettiva! Eh sì, siamo nella piazza più popolare di Spoleto!   La nostra tradizione in cucina: le Castagnole   Questo è un dolce tipico del Carnevale. A Spoleto le chiamiamo "castagnole", ma a Perugia, per esempio, le chiamano "chiacchiere". Ogni piccola città in questa regione, come... Read more…

Primo Novembre: le fave dei morti. Una ricetta tutta umbra dal nome poco rassicurante, ma sicuramente buona! Ecco gli ingredienti di questi "biscotti speciali" tipici della tradizione regionale.
  • 300gr. Mandorle
  • 50 gr. Pinoli
  • 150 gr. Farina
  • 150 gr. Zucchero a velo
  • 5 gr Cannella
  • Uova: 2 tuorli più 1 intero
  • 1 cucchiaio Grappa
Leggi tutta la ricetta qui su... Read more…

Eleven students of art history from the universities of Halle, Leipzig and Frankfurt will participate in the Study Abroad program directed by art historian Mattias Quast, president of the Amphitheatrum, which offers programs specifically in Spoleto.

This integrated program includes an introduction course in the history of Italian art which encompasses a tour of... Read more…


28 June - 14 July 2013 - La MaMa Spoleto Open


Ellen Stewart founded La MaMa in 1961 in a tiny basement on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. She dedicated it to the playwright and all aspects of the theater. Today, La MaMa is a world renowned cultural institution recognized... Read more…

Press Release / Spoleto Town Hall Spoleto can be called the inspirational muse for the Study Abroad program of the University of West Georgia. On Friday, June 7 at 9:30am at the Hall of the Dukes in the Town Hall, the commissioner Battistina Vargiu will meet with the professors and... Read more…

Spoleto a Colori: Music, Dancing and Colors in Spoleto. April 25th - May 1st
  • Music and Dance Workshops in the streets and in the parks of Spoleto
  • A photography contest
  • Hip Hop music and dance contests in the theaters
  • Jugglers, magicians and buskers around the town
  • The Kataklò show, for... Read more…

  Do you remember your first Italian language class (full immersion class) when you could hardly undestand a word of this language? Someone narrated this experience magistralmente and so her story was published in the column of  "The American in Italy" magazine. An hour of class turns into a "scam operation" from Judy's... Read more…

September 2012.   The photographer from Bristol  returned to Spoleto for the photographic exhibition at the Library of Palazzo Mauri to take the opportunity to capture even more beautiful and unique views of the city of Spoleto and its surroundings. Among mountains and olive trees, well known characters from folk music... Read more…