Once upon a time…there was a bishop named Valentine who was walking quietly in his garden. All of a sudden he heard voices beyond the hedge.

On closer observation, he could see that they were the loud voices of two young lovers. Realizing that the young couple was actually quarreling, but also realizing that they were very much in love, Valentino decided to reach out to them. Standing before them, he took their hands and presented them a rose. Then he asked them to squeeze the precious rose in their hands without getting hurt by the thorns. The two made peace and soon after they were married.

The news quickly spread and all the couples throughout the land began to address the bishop Valentino. However, there were so many that he decided to receive them on the 14th of each month. February 14 became the date of Valentine’s Day because it was on that day that he was beheaded.

Terni, the actual birthplace of Valentine, just 20 minutes from Spoleto, celebrates this day with several events during the week of Valentine’s Day. The city will reconstruct the story and many legends associated with Valentine, the patron of lovers.

An event is dedicated to “wine lovers….” with the best wines of Umbria: Umbria for Wine Lovers.

I biscotti di San Valentino

Gli ingredienti per i biscotti:

Farina – 250 gr
Zucchero- 100 gr

Zucchero a velo
Burro – 125gr
Scorza di 2 limoni
Marmellata di fragole

Difficoltà: molto bassa
Cottura: 15/20 minuti
Preparazione: 30 minuti
Costo: basso

Gli ingredienti per il ripieno:
Marmellata di fragole quanto basta
Gli ingredienti per la decorazione:
Zucchero a velo


Tagliare il burro a pezzetti e lasciarlo ammorbidire a temperatura ambiente.
Mettere la farina su di un piano di lavoro, e mettere nel centro il burro e tutti gli altri ingredienti (1).
Mescolare molto bene tutti gli ingredienti fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio (2).
Avvolgere l’impasto in una pellicola e lasciarlo per mezz’ora in un luogo fresco (3).
Preparare una sfoglia di ½ cm (4).
Ritagliare i biscotti con lo stampino a forma di cuore (5).
Mettere tutti i cuori su di una teglia con la carta da forno, e infornare i biscotti a 180° per circa 15-20 minuti; spalmare sopra ogni biscotto  la marmellata di fragola (6). Spolverare i biscotti con lo zucchero a velo e Buon San Valentino! (7).