Il fior fiore

Italians are famous all over the world for their love of good food, but not many people know that many of them also love to eat flowers; but not just any flowers, special flowers which become a real delicacy in the early summer: fried squash blossoms. 

You still don’t believe us? Well, the fior fiore, or la parte migliore, il meglio of the squash is certainly its blossom.

With its yellow color and delicate flavor, together with a few simple ingredients like water, salt and flour, the squash blossom is the ideal recipe for a hot appetizer or a tasty aperitivo.

Would you like to know how it is made? Let’s go and find out together.





  • 10 fiori di zucca
  • 200 g di farina 00
  • 1 mozzarella
  • Acqua gassata q.b
  • Sale q.b
  • Olio di semi di girasole q.b

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con tante curiosità e la ricetta completa: Learn with Gusto – Il fior fiore


Learn with #Gusto is part of the Full Immersion Italian Language & Culture program.

33 hours. Italian Full-Immersion: cuisine, walking tour, cooking class, museums and cinema.