Arrivare alla frutta

Did you know that Italians love to complain? When they do, they use a lot of different expressions. We’ve chosen the one that most suits this time of year: “Arrivare alla frutta”. 
That’s right, we’re tired, we have no strength, no energy left.
Is it the heat? Has it been a busy year at work, or have you been overwhelmed with studying?
When energy levels are low and tiredness has set in, you may hear an Italian using this expression.
The same phrase can also be used to mean “to arrive at the end, or to exhaust something.” This expression is often used in political or economic discussions to talk about a serious situation or one where there is no way out. 
But let’s set politics aside and talk about cooking. Today’s recipe is a fresh, summer dessert that is low in calories and perfect for staying in shape without giving up flavour. What are we talking about?
Watermelon sorbet! Let’s go and find out how to make it.



  • 500 g di anguria (la polpa)
  • 200 g di zucchero
  • 250 ml di acqua
  • Due cucchiai di succo di limone


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con tante curiosità e la ricetta completa: Learn with #Gusto – Arrivare alla frutta

Learn with #Gusto is part of the Full Immersion Italian Language & Culture program.

33 hours. Italian Full-Immersion: cuisine, walking tour, cooking class, museums and cinema.