Sempreverde - Learn with Gusto

In botany, we call trees that do not lose their leaves, even in autumn, evergreenIn the Italian language, when we are referring to a person or thing, this word takes on another meaning, modern, current, or fashionable.

But let’s set aside the language and its many nuanced meanings and head into the kitchen. There is an evergreen with an intense and aromatic flavour that is widely used in Italian cooking: sage

This simple herb, combined with a little flour, beer and salt, becomes a crunchy snack that is both tasty and easy to make. We are going to find out together how to make this delicious recipe which is sure to make your mouth water. 



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Sempreverde – Learn with #Gusto

Learn with #Gusto is part of the Full Immersion Italian Language & Culture program.

33 hours. Italian Full-Immersion: cuisine, walking tour, cooking class, museums and cinema.