Prendere a pesci in faccia

This morning, the fishmonger slapped me in the face with a fish when I told him the fish he had sold me was not fresh”.

When you read a phrase like this, many of you must be imagining a fishmonger with a bream or perhaps a bass in his hand, throwing it in a customer’s face.
Don’t panic! If you find yourself having to take something back to the fishmonger, no-one is going to throw anything at you (no fish anyway), but if you end up being treated badly, in a rude and discourteous way, that is what we mean when we say ‘slap someone in the face with a fish.’ 
Heading into the kitchen; as you know, Italy is a peninsula, so it is surrounded on three sides by the ocean and many of its coastal regions have their own way of cooking fish.
It isn’t easy to choose one dish, but without a doubt Spaghetti with Clams is one of the most delicious and easy to prepare to bring a little flavour of the sea to your table.
Let’s go and see how to make it together.


INGREDIENTI PER 4 PERSONE:                                   


400 g di spaghetti

1 kg di vongole veraci

1 spicchio di aglio

1 peperoncino piccante

1 mazzetto di prezzemolo

sale q.b

pepe q.b


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con tante curiosità e la ricetta completa: Learn with #Gusto – Pesci in faccia


Learn with #Gusto is part of the Full Immersion Italian Language & Culture program.

33 hours. Italian Full-Immersion: cuisine, walking tour, cooking class, museums and cinema.