Language is a mosaic of ingredients. Find out more about idioms and vocabulary relating to Italy’s culinary traditions.

Language is a mosaic of ingredients. Find out more about idioms and vocabulary relating to Italy’s culinary traditions.

In vino veritas - Learn with Gusto

In vino veritas  è un proverbio latino che letteralmente significa: «nel vino è la verità». Ciò vuol dire che quando una persona ha bevuto qualche bicchiere di troppo può facilmente disinibirsi e rivelare fatti e pensieri veritieri, volendo anche un po’ segreti, che da sobrio sicuramente non direbbe mai.... Read more…
Sempreverde - Learn with Gusto

In botany, we call trees that do not lose their leaves, even in autumn, evergreen. In the Italian language, when we are referring to a person or thing, this word takes on another meaning, modern, current, or fashionable. But let's set aside the language and its many nuanced meanings and head into the kitchen. There... Read more…
Arrivare alla frutta

Did you know that Italians love to complain? When they do, they use a lot of different expressions. We've chosen the one that most suits this time of year: "Arrivare alla frutta".  That's right, we're tired, we have no strength, no energy left. Is it the heat? Has it been a busy... Read more…
Prendere a pesci in faccia

“Ieri mattina il pescivendolo mi ha preso a pesci in faccia quando gli ho fatto notare che il pesce che mi aveva venduto non era fresco”.

Molti di voi leggendo una frase come questa si staranno... Read more…

Il fior fiore

Italians are famous all over the world for their love of good food, but not many people know that many of them also love to eat flowers; but not just any flowers, special flowers which become a real delicacy in the early summer: fried squash blossoms. 

You still... Read more…

Learn with Gu

If you’re a guest in an Italian home and after a typical dinner with antipasto, first course, second course and sides you can’t possibly eat another bite, the expression we use in this case is Sono pieno come un uovo. This very Italian idiom refers to a person... Read more…

Learn with Gusto - Chi semina raccoglie

During the summer, a favorite activity for many Italians is their vegetable garden; a small piece of land where, when the weather is good, those who have one can grow tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and many other seasonal vegetables.

This is why we have chosen the proverb Chi semina... Read more…

Learn with #Gusto

In Italy, May is the time for cherries. Not only are these small, red fruits pretty because of their round shape and colors, they are also rich in important vitamins.

The best way to try them? Climb up a tree, snatch them from the branch and eat them... Read more…

Buio pesto

We're sure that when you hear the word pesto, the first thing that comes to mind is a tasty plate of pasta with pesto, perhaps linguine, a traditional recipe originally from Liguria; the region where this condiment, well-known and loved all over the world, first came from. However, when you add... Read more…
Panna Gourmet

Ebbene sì, in Italia non è soltanto la panna che si può montare, ma a volte anche la testa. “Non montarti la testa” è un’espressione idiomatica che significa non esaltarti, non credere di avere qualità e capacità che in realtà non possiedi.

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